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  1. What forms of payment are accepted?

  2. Is there a minimum or maximum amount of girls? Do I need to spend a minimum amount?

  3. What are your spa birthday party reservation and cancellation policies?

  4. How long will my spa birthday party be?

  5. What days and times do you hold spa birthday parties?

  6. How many technicians attend a spa birthday party?

  7. What are your safety policies?

  8. What do I need to prepare in advance for our spa birthday party?

  9. What setup is required to have a mobile spa birthday party in my home?


Sparkle Spa Parties UK keeps party prices optimal for our clients, we accept deposit via BACS, CARD PAYMENT (additional charges will apply), or PayPal (additional charges will apply) and the remaining balance can be paid in cash on the day. 

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All packages are based on 8 girls minimum. We can still do your party if there are less than 8 girls but price stays the same. We can also accommodate large groups. 

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We welcome short notice birthday party bookings but to avoid disappointment we recommend that you book your spa birthday party well in advance. We are almost always booked within 2 weeks, likely 3 weeks, but often 4 weeks. Even if you do not know which spa birthday party package you would like to go with or the amount of girls, we recommend booking your desired birthday party time and date with us as soon as possible in order to have your choice birthday party date and time.

We request that clients RSVP at least one week in advance of their party date with a confirmed booking including: number of girls, party package and any additional add-ons. As we do reserve time and staff based upon final confirmations, full services charges will still apply on any late cancellations. 

We would like to note that we understand family emergencies and unforeseen circumstances can happen. Even if our cancellation requirements are not met due to such circumstances, we will endeavor to reschedule your event but can only do so if we happen to have availability in our schedule. If we honour the rescheduling of a late cancellation we also require that the party price remains the same or greater than previously booked.

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Our spa birthday parties are approx. 2-3 hours long (most commonly, 2.5 hours) depending upon the spa birthday party package, number of girls and add-on activities. Due to unforeseen circumstances we may run over the allotted time. For this reason, we recommend having parents pick up their children 30 minutes (at a minimum) to 1 hour after our scheduled party end time. Please also ensure to have the girls arrive at least 15 minutes in advance of the spa party start time.

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Our spa birthday parties may be booked everyday from 10am to 9pm. Although we have some flexibility, we usually try to book spa birthday parties at standard times. On Saturdays our first birthday party begins at 11am or earlier and the second birthday party begins 4:30pm or later. For sleepovers we can do a later start time. On Sundays our birthday parties begin at 11am or earlier and 3:30pm or later. If you desire a mid-day birthday party start time on the weekend (ie. 1 or 2pm time) please inquire with us.

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The number of technicians we bring to your spa birthday party depends upon the total service value of your spa birthday party (your birthday party package and service add-ons multiplied by the number of girls). When you spend £200 in services (our minimum requirement) you are entitled to one technician, £300 = two technicians.  Additional technicians may be brought for an additional charge.

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  • One-time use implements wherever possible

  • All brushes, headbands, towels and bath robes are cleaned after each use

  • Makeup is hypo-allergenic

  • Individual product portions used wherever possible

  • Manicure and pedicure bowls cleansed per health department and industry standards with the highest level of chemo-sterilant; disposable pedicure basin liners when working on a mobile basis

  • Comprehensive training for all employees in cross contamination management and spa treatment protocols

  • Parents fill out a consent form, informing us of any allergies or health concerns


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We actually only require a very small space (6 feet x 4 feet of floor space approximately). The best setup for manicure/pedicure treatments is having the girls sit on the end seats of a couch. For pedicure services the girls place their feet on a stool and our technicians have a comfortable cushion to sit on, on the floor.  Our technicians sit on a stool in front of the girls while performing their manicure service. We ask that you move any coffee tables away if they are close to the couch, so that our technicians will have room to sit in front of the couch.

Bar stools work wonderfully for the girls to sit on if we are performing hair services, otherwise regular kitchen chairs will do.


Good lighting is essential for our spa technician as is a clean, clutter-free and smoke-free environment. We appreciate removing pets from the party area for the duration we are in attendance. If possible, please leave a parking spot open that is close to the entrance of your home. This ensures we can carry supplies to and from your home safely.

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